11.08.2007, 15:38
Zitat:Original von SethDer Warrior hat sich auf der DVD garnicht geaeussert, und weil er eben nicht beteiligt war, wurde die WWE DVD ueber den Warrior eben genau das was der Title versprach, eine einzige Zerstoerung, mit sehr vielen Dingen die nicht gestimmt haben.
Zitat:Original von Nefercheperur
3. Der Ultimate Warrior drohte am abend des Summerslam 1991 nicht aufzutretten
Das hat er (und mehrere andere, ich glaube Sgt. Slaughter & Hogan) auch auf der Ultimate Warrior-DVD erzählt.
Wie ich erklaert habe, es ist ein Urban Mythos das der Warrior beim Summerslam 1991 drohte nicht aufzutretten wenn er nicht die gleiche Summe wie Hogan bekommt. Der Warrior hat 6 Wochen vor (!) dem Summerslam 1991 einen neuen WWF Vertrag unterschrieben, der ihm eine irrsinnige Summe versprach pro PPV Auftritt. Der Warrior wollte das Geld was Vince ihm zugestanden hat im Vertrag, nicht mehr und nicht weniger, und schon garnicht beim Summerslam 1991.
Wie sagte es mal Henry Ford:“History is fiction written by the winner.” Das zaehlt gleich doppelt fuer WWE wie man hier wieder sieht. Der Warrior hat auf die DVD damals reagiert, und folgendes Statement bekannt gegeben, und die Aussage ueber den Summerslam 1991 vom Warrior kann eben durch die Gerichtsdokumente belegt werden, die beweissen das der Warrior hier richtig liegt, und nicht Vince!
Zitat:Right now I don’t intend to watch the DVD, but I can be sure that many of the thousands who come around here will rush to provide me the details. As I said, even now some of you are doing this, having already picked up the DVD at local WalMarts. I did receive the trailer, but my Macintosh didn’t give me any picture, only the audio. It was obvious that even this little teaser is all lies born out of jealousy.
Let me correct just a few.
What I think you meant to say, Vince, was “hire,” not “fire”: “I couldn’t wait to hire hs a--.” I worked for the WWF on three separate occasions and you fired me only once and that was in ‘92 using David Boy and I as scapegoats in an attempt to throw the feds off your own scandal-brewing steroid trail. And every time I left, you’d track me down and come begging to bring me back. Never once did I call you or anybody else from the WWF to come back -- you ALWAYS came to me. Even one time sending Ed Cohen to hunt me down in the backwoods of NM at 4:30 am -- this was after you suspended me in ‘91. When you found me, you would always show up with two things. One, your stupid, superficial question “Don’t you miss the celebrity and limelight?” and, two, a goodie bag carrying a fat check to assuage your guilt and fault for letting me get out the door to begin with. You were a spoiled little kid even back then. You always had to learn the truth about me the hard way: “Damn, that guy really does do what he says he will do.”
About holding you up for money, you got that wrong, too. Of course, it’s a fantasy you’ve created, so that makes it true in your twisted mind. There was an issue about a Wrestlemania 7 payoff, but the strong-arming being done was by you and your conniving financial thug at the time, Doug Sages, not me. Instead of being straightforward with me about what the payoff was going to be, you kept dragging out avoiding any discussion about it while Sages unethically concocted a counterfeit loan to me, which I knew nothing about till much later, say, around Summerslam time. How coincidental. When I called you on it, you duplicitously scribbled down and rushed me a letter praising me for my contributions to the company, my one-of-a-kind work ethic, and that you were proud to have me not just as a talent but know me as a friend -- and, then, Surprise! you pulled a 180 on me and courageously suspended me after the ‘91 Summerslam match by handing me a tough, condescending letter. You expected me to drop to my knees right then and lick one of the three balls you claimed you had, begging you to take me back, right there in that MSG locker room, right there in front of your adulterous ball licker at the time, Mrs. Emily Feinburg, (so you could show her, I guess, how big a man you were), but I told you that Emily was the one good at it and you wouldn’t be seeing me for quite some time. I didn’t lie. I got my bags, went to AZ, moved to NM and left you ill with worry about where I was. “Where’s MY Warrior?’ you boohooed for months. It is a flat-out Wizard of OZ fantasy that I ever held you or WWF up for money.
Your memory isn't too good, Vince. But over 30,000 documents (yes, 30,000) from the litigation discovery help tell the true story.