29.08.2007, 08:10
Lance Storm schrieb diese Woche einen Artikel ueber den Deutschen Promoter Peter Williams. Ich denke es gibt vielleicht einige die es interessiert, unten auch noch der Artikel zu Otto Wanz.
Hier geht es weiter:
-Peter Williams - CWA Catch
und hier gibt es noch die erste Kolumne:
-Otto Wanz - CWA Catch
Zitat:This is part two to last weeks Promoters article. Last week I talked about working for Otto Wanz in CWA-Catch where this week I will look at working for Peter Williams, the guy who promoted the Hanover, Germany tournament as well as co-promoted the Vienna, Austria with Otto for CWA.
Life under Peter Williams was a drastic improvement form life under Otto Wanz. I started getting a bit more of a push in Vienna and a considerable one in Hanover once Peter was in full control. Peter seemed far more personable and a lot easier to deal with. Oddly enough I know some of the other boys didn’t like working for Peter as much as they did Otto, and didn’t have as much respect for him, but my experiences were the exact opposite. I’m not sure if others lack of respect for Peter was because Peter was never a worker (as Otto was) but I looked at them both strictly as promoters and Peter was head and shoulders above Otto in my books.
Hier geht es weiter:
-Peter Williams - CWA Catch
und hier gibt es noch die erste Kolumne:
-Otto Wanz - CWA Catch