26.07.2008, 20:07
Heute stellte World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) auf ihrer hauseigenen Homepage (WWE.com) eine weitere "TOP 25" Liste auf, diesmal zum Thema "Finishing Moves". Vor einem Jahr gab es im WWE Magazine eine gleiche Liste, wo der FU es auf den ersten Platz schaffte. In dieser Liste schafft es der Finisher von [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon] nur noch auf Platz 20. Hier könnt ihr die Liste in ihrer ganzen Ausführlichkeit nachlesen.
25: RKO - [lexicon]Randy Orton[/lexicon]
24: Camel Clutch - Iron Sheik
23: Twist of Fate - Matt Hardy
22: Crossface Chickenwing - Bob Backlund
21: Macho Man Elbow Drop - Randy Savage
20: FU - [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon]
19: Total Elimination - The Eliminators (John Kronus & Perry Saturn)
18: Stratusfaction - Trish Stratus
17: Shooting Star Press - Billy Kidman
16: Million Dollar Dream - Ted DiBiase
15: Rude Awakening - Rick Rude
14: Van Terminator - Rob Van Dam
13: Razor's Edge - Razor Ramon
12: Frog Splash - Eddie Guerrero
11: Swanton Bomb - Jeff Hardy
10: Mandible Claw - Mick Foley
09: Tazmission - Taz
08: Rock Bottom - [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon]
07: Sweet Chin Music - Shawn Michaels
06: Perfect Plex - Mr Perfect
05: Pedigree - Triple H
04: Figure Four Leglock - Ric Flair
03: Sharpshooter - [lexicon]Bret Hart[/lexicon]
02: Tombstone Piledriver - [lexicon]The Undertaker[/lexicon]
01: Stone Cold Stunner - [lexicon]Steve Austin[/lexicon]
25: RKO - [lexicon]Randy Orton[/lexicon]
24: Camel Clutch - Iron Sheik
23: Twist of Fate - Matt Hardy
22: Crossface Chickenwing - Bob Backlund
21: Macho Man Elbow Drop - Randy Savage
20: FU - [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon]
19: Total Elimination - The Eliminators (John Kronus & Perry Saturn)
18: Stratusfaction - Trish Stratus
17: Shooting Star Press - Billy Kidman
16: Million Dollar Dream - Ted DiBiase
15: Rude Awakening - Rick Rude
14: Van Terminator - Rob Van Dam
13: Razor's Edge - Razor Ramon
12: Frog Splash - Eddie Guerrero
11: Swanton Bomb - Jeff Hardy
10: Mandible Claw - Mick Foley
09: Tazmission - Taz
08: Rock Bottom - [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon]
07: Sweet Chin Music - Shawn Michaels
06: Perfect Plex - Mr Perfect
05: Pedigree - Triple H
04: Figure Four Leglock - Ric Flair
03: Sharpshooter - [lexicon]Bret Hart[/lexicon]
02: Tombstone Piledriver - [lexicon]The Undertaker[/lexicon]
01: Stone Cold Stunner - [lexicon]Steve Austin[/lexicon]