01.06.2004, 23:09
Heute mittag fand im Air Canada Center die Pressekonferenz der WWE statt,in Canada wurde das ganze von Headline Sports Live uebertragen bei der Show The Score.Bei der Pressekonferenz waren ca 1100 Leute anwesend,also mehr wie bei denn meisten WWE Houseshows.Vom Raw Roster waren [lexicon]Chris Jericho[/lexicon], Trish Stratus, Edge und Chris Benoit und vom Smackdown Roster Eddie Guerrero, [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon], Torrie Wilson, Kurt [lexicon]Angle[/lexicon] und Rey Mysterio Jr anwesend.
Am anfang wurde ein Videoeinspieler der WWE gezeigt der bestaetigte das der diesjaehrige Summerslam im Air Canada Center in Toronto stattfinden wird.Carl DeMarco begruesste die "grossartigen" Fans in einer "grossartigen" Stadt wie Toronto,wofuer er cheap Pops bekam.Er gab bekannt das der Ticketverkauf am naechsten Samstag beginnen wird.Lange habe er bei WWE dafuer gekaempft das der Summerslam 2004 in Toronto bei den besten Fans der welt stattfinden wird.(Anm: Solche Cheap Pop Sachen sollte die WWE in Zukunft streichen,gerade wenn die ganze Sache im TV uebertragen wird,weil es kommt mehr als billig wenn die WWE in jeder Pressekonferenz egal in welcher Stadt die Fans als beste auf der ganzen Welt bezeichnet,und vorallem das 5 mal in einer Pressekonferenz).Ausserdem sei die Entscheidung das der Summerslam nach Toronto dieses Jahr kommt schon letztes Jahr gefallen,so DeMarco.De Marco gab ebenfalls The Road to Summerslam 2004 Tour bekannt in Canada.Ausserdem wird es ein Summerslam Special Weekend geben,mit etlichen Attraktionen.
Jim Ross kuendigte dann Triple H und Vince Mc Mahon an,die No Chance in Hell Music ertoente,und Vince Mc Mahon und Triple H wurden mit den You screwed Bret Chants von den Fans begruesst,was im TV sehr gut zuhoeren war.Vince machte Hogan nach indem er sich an das Ohr fasste.Vince meinte,auf der Welt gibt es nur wenige Leute die zufrieden sind mit allem was sie getan haben,er sei einer davon.Vince meinte ebenfalls einen so grossen PPV wie der Summerslam,braeuchte eine grossartige Stadt mit grossartigen Fans und Toronto sei so eine Stadt.Triple H denke zwar nicht so ueber die Fans von Toronto,doch er fand Toronto schon immer gut,und er glaubt das alle beim Summerslam viel spass haben werden (hier setzte Vince sein Diabolisches Lachen auf).Triple H machte dann noch einige Witze ueber Canada.
Jim Ross liess dann von denn Medienvertrettern Fragen stellen.
680 News fragte in wievielen Laendern der Summerslam Live uebertragen wird.Ross meinte in ueber 100 Laendern und 15 Sprachen wird der Summerslam Live zusehen sein.(was eigentlich nicht stimmen kann)
Das Trivia Magazine fragte Vince Mc Mahon wann man denn mit Sting rechnen kann und ob er beim Summerslam dabei sein wird.Triple H schnappte sich das Mic und meinte Sting solle besser dort bleiben wo er ist,denn hier haette er keine "Police".Vince antwortete nicht auf die Frage.
CFTO-CTV News fragte nachdem workout eines Wrestlers.Jim Ross fuehlte sich angesprochen und meinte er wuerde jeden Tag trainieren und Aerobic machen.Triple H schaute Ross an als ob er es nicht glauben koennte und zaehlte dann sein Trainingsprogramm auf....SEX und zwar jeden Tag.
Einige weitere News von der Pressekonferenz.Das Soundsystem im Air Canada Center fiel aus sodass die meisten Fans nichts mitbekamen.Ausserdem verteilte die WWE ihren neuen Raw Energy Drink,der laut einiger Canadischer Fans "ungeniessbar" sei,das sei aber halb so schlimm wenn man dadurch die noetigen "Vitamine" zusich nimmt um ebenso einen Koerperbau zubekommen wie Triple H.Die Autogrammstunde nach der Pressekonferenz entaeuschte viele Fans da die [lexicon]Stars[/lexicon] nur jeweils 400 Fans schrieben und dann gingen,zwar war das vorher angekuendigt.Viele Fans glaubten jedoch das sie ein Ticket fuer die Pressenkonferenz brauechten um auch an der Autogrammstunde teilzunehmen,dem war aber nicht so,und so kamen viele Fans die nicht an der Pressekonferenz teilnahmen.Bei der Pressekonferenz blieben alle Wrestler wie erwartet in ihrem character/gimmick.Von Toronto waren nur Deputy Mayor Mike Feldman und Richard Preddie,CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment anwesend.
Folgend die Offizielle WWE Presseerklaerung zur heutigen Presse Konferenz
WWE SummerSlam World-Wide Live Broadcast from Toronto's Air Canada Centre on Sunday, August 15; Tickets on Sale Saturday, June 5
TORONTO--June 1, 2004--
SummerSlam® Contributes to Boosting Tourism in Toronto This Summer!
World Wrestling Entertainment® Chairman Vince McMahon announced today that this year's SummerSlam Pay-Per-View will take place at the Air Canada Centre on Sunday August 15.
Making a rare Canadian appearance at an interactive press conference at the Air Canada Centre today, McMahon said the WWE and its Superstars are excited to be bringing SummerSlam to Toronto. "Our fans in Canada are extremely passionate and that was one of the primary reasons we decided to bring SummerSlam to Toronto this year," said Mr. McMahon. "We expect the passion of our Canadian fans, combined with an outstanding line-up of Superstars, to translate into a tremendous world-wide Pay-Per-View event."
Joining McMahon for the announcement were WWE Canada President Carl DeMarco, and several WWE Superstars: Kurt [lexicon]Angle[/lexicon], Chris Benoit, [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon], Edge, Eddie Guerrero, [lexicon]Chris Jericho[/lexicon], Rey Mysterio, Jim Ross, Triple H, Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson. DeMarco comments: "We are incredibly excited to be bringing SummerSlam to Toronto this August. This event will be a great boost for the city's tourism and a special opportunity for our Canadian fans to be part of one of our most anticipated shows of the year!"
Deputy Mayor Mike Feldman attended the press conference and added, "As Deputy Mayor for the City of Toronto, I am delighted that World Wrestling Entertainment is coming back to Toronto this August with SummerSlam. The WWE has strongly supported our community over the last few years. In March 2002, WrestleMania® X8 attracted fans from all across Canada, 47 States and 16 different countries and put Toronto on the front page and on TV sportscasts around the world." WrestleMania X8, held in March 2002, shattered SkyDome live attendance and box office records, with record-breaking attendance of 68,237.
Deputy Mayor Feldman continued, "WWE SummerSlam is a great addition to the roster of events and new attractions that is helping to make Toronto 'The Place' to vacation this summer. This very popular event will undoubtedly help boost our economy and tourism after last year's setbacks."
Richard Peddie, President and CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd., was also on hand for the announcement. "We're proud to host the WWE at Air Canada Centre this summer and extend our long-standing partnership," he said. "The WWE has a huge fan following in the Greater Toronto Area, and this can be attributed to the fact that they're one of the best marketers in the sports and entertainment industry."
SummerSlam is one of four pay-per-view events each year that feature talent from the rosters of both Monday Night RAW® and SmackDown!. This marks only the second time that SummerSlam has been held outside of the United States -the first time was in 1992 when the event was held in the UK. SummerSlam will be seen in more than 100 countries around the world and heard in 13 languages. SummerSlam will be presented in Canada by Pizza Pizza.
Tickets for SummerSlam will go on sale on Saturday June 5 at 10:00 am at the Air Canada Centre Box Office, http://www.ticketmaster.ca or Charge By Phone at 416-870-8000 or 416-872-5000 (Long distance charges may apply.) Ticket prices are $400, $95, $75, $55, $35.
Subscribers to the Bell Mobility WWE package will have the opportunity to purchase tickets during a 2 day pre-sale period from 10:00 am on Thursday June 3 until midnight on Friday June 4. This presale will be made available via Internet at http://www.ticketmaster.com, and phone only.
SummerSlam Travel Packages consisting of ringside or lower-tier tickets plus hotel accommodations are now available for purchase. For more information, send an e-mail to travel.packages@wwe.com.
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE) is an integrated media and entertainment company headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto and London. Additional information on the company can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com. Information on television ratings and community activities can be found at parents.wwe.com.
Trademarks: The names of all World Wrestling Entertainment televised and live programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans and wrestling moves and all World Wrestling Entertainment logos are trademarks which are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, company names, and logos cited herein are the property of their respective owners.
Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbour provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated.
Am anfang wurde ein Videoeinspieler der WWE gezeigt der bestaetigte das der diesjaehrige Summerslam im Air Canada Center in Toronto stattfinden wird.Carl DeMarco begruesste die "grossartigen" Fans in einer "grossartigen" Stadt wie Toronto,wofuer er cheap Pops bekam.Er gab bekannt das der Ticketverkauf am naechsten Samstag beginnen wird.Lange habe er bei WWE dafuer gekaempft das der Summerslam 2004 in Toronto bei den besten Fans der welt stattfinden wird.(Anm: Solche Cheap Pop Sachen sollte die WWE in Zukunft streichen,gerade wenn die ganze Sache im TV uebertragen wird,weil es kommt mehr als billig wenn die WWE in jeder Pressekonferenz egal in welcher Stadt die Fans als beste auf der ganzen Welt bezeichnet,und vorallem das 5 mal in einer Pressekonferenz).Ausserdem sei die Entscheidung das der Summerslam nach Toronto dieses Jahr kommt schon letztes Jahr gefallen,so DeMarco.De Marco gab ebenfalls The Road to Summerslam 2004 Tour bekannt in Canada.Ausserdem wird es ein Summerslam Special Weekend geben,mit etlichen Attraktionen.
Jim Ross kuendigte dann Triple H und Vince Mc Mahon an,die No Chance in Hell Music ertoente,und Vince Mc Mahon und Triple H wurden mit den You screwed Bret Chants von den Fans begruesst,was im TV sehr gut zuhoeren war.Vince machte Hogan nach indem er sich an das Ohr fasste.Vince meinte,auf der Welt gibt es nur wenige Leute die zufrieden sind mit allem was sie getan haben,er sei einer davon.Vince meinte ebenfalls einen so grossen PPV wie der Summerslam,braeuchte eine grossartige Stadt mit grossartigen Fans und Toronto sei so eine Stadt.Triple H denke zwar nicht so ueber die Fans von Toronto,doch er fand Toronto schon immer gut,und er glaubt das alle beim Summerslam viel spass haben werden (hier setzte Vince sein Diabolisches Lachen auf).Triple H machte dann noch einige Witze ueber Canada.
Jim Ross liess dann von denn Medienvertrettern Fragen stellen.
680 News fragte in wievielen Laendern der Summerslam Live uebertragen wird.Ross meinte in ueber 100 Laendern und 15 Sprachen wird der Summerslam Live zusehen sein.(was eigentlich nicht stimmen kann)
Das Trivia Magazine fragte Vince Mc Mahon wann man denn mit Sting rechnen kann und ob er beim Summerslam dabei sein wird.Triple H schnappte sich das Mic und meinte Sting solle besser dort bleiben wo er ist,denn hier haette er keine "Police".Vince antwortete nicht auf die Frage.
CFTO-CTV News fragte nachdem workout eines Wrestlers.Jim Ross fuehlte sich angesprochen und meinte er wuerde jeden Tag trainieren und Aerobic machen.Triple H schaute Ross an als ob er es nicht glauben koennte und zaehlte dann sein Trainingsprogramm auf....SEX und zwar jeden Tag.
Einige weitere News von der Pressekonferenz.Das Soundsystem im Air Canada Center fiel aus sodass die meisten Fans nichts mitbekamen.Ausserdem verteilte die WWE ihren neuen Raw Energy Drink,der laut einiger Canadischer Fans "ungeniessbar" sei,das sei aber halb so schlimm wenn man dadurch die noetigen "Vitamine" zusich nimmt um ebenso einen Koerperbau zubekommen wie Triple H.Die Autogrammstunde nach der Pressekonferenz entaeuschte viele Fans da die [lexicon]Stars[/lexicon] nur jeweils 400 Fans schrieben und dann gingen,zwar war das vorher angekuendigt.Viele Fans glaubten jedoch das sie ein Ticket fuer die Pressenkonferenz brauechten um auch an der Autogrammstunde teilzunehmen,dem war aber nicht so,und so kamen viele Fans die nicht an der Pressekonferenz teilnahmen.Bei der Pressekonferenz blieben alle Wrestler wie erwartet in ihrem character/gimmick.Von Toronto waren nur Deputy Mayor Mike Feldman und Richard Preddie,CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment anwesend.
Folgend die Offizielle WWE Presseerklaerung zur heutigen Presse Konferenz
WWE SummerSlam World-Wide Live Broadcast from Toronto's Air Canada Centre on Sunday, August 15; Tickets on Sale Saturday, June 5
TORONTO--June 1, 2004--
SummerSlam® Contributes to Boosting Tourism in Toronto This Summer!
World Wrestling Entertainment® Chairman Vince McMahon announced today that this year's SummerSlam Pay-Per-View will take place at the Air Canada Centre on Sunday August 15.
Making a rare Canadian appearance at an interactive press conference at the Air Canada Centre today, McMahon said the WWE and its Superstars are excited to be bringing SummerSlam to Toronto. "Our fans in Canada are extremely passionate and that was one of the primary reasons we decided to bring SummerSlam to Toronto this year," said Mr. McMahon. "We expect the passion of our Canadian fans, combined with an outstanding line-up of Superstars, to translate into a tremendous world-wide Pay-Per-View event."
Joining McMahon for the announcement were WWE Canada President Carl DeMarco, and several WWE Superstars: Kurt [lexicon]Angle[/lexicon], Chris Benoit, [lexicon]John Cena[/lexicon], Edge, Eddie Guerrero, [lexicon]Chris Jericho[/lexicon], Rey Mysterio, Jim Ross, Triple H, Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson. DeMarco comments: "We are incredibly excited to be bringing SummerSlam to Toronto this August. This event will be a great boost for the city's tourism and a special opportunity for our Canadian fans to be part of one of our most anticipated shows of the year!"
Deputy Mayor Mike Feldman attended the press conference and added, "As Deputy Mayor for the City of Toronto, I am delighted that World Wrestling Entertainment is coming back to Toronto this August with SummerSlam. The WWE has strongly supported our community over the last few years. In March 2002, WrestleMania® X8 attracted fans from all across Canada, 47 States and 16 different countries and put Toronto on the front page and on TV sportscasts around the world." WrestleMania X8, held in March 2002, shattered SkyDome live attendance and box office records, with record-breaking attendance of 68,237.
Deputy Mayor Feldman continued, "WWE SummerSlam is a great addition to the roster of events and new attractions that is helping to make Toronto 'The Place' to vacation this summer. This very popular event will undoubtedly help boost our economy and tourism after last year's setbacks."
Richard Peddie, President and CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd., was also on hand for the announcement. "We're proud to host the WWE at Air Canada Centre this summer and extend our long-standing partnership," he said. "The WWE has a huge fan following in the Greater Toronto Area, and this can be attributed to the fact that they're one of the best marketers in the sports and entertainment industry."
SummerSlam is one of four pay-per-view events each year that feature talent from the rosters of both Monday Night RAW® and SmackDown!. This marks only the second time that SummerSlam has been held outside of the United States -the first time was in 1992 when the event was held in the UK. SummerSlam will be seen in more than 100 countries around the world and heard in 13 languages. SummerSlam will be presented in Canada by Pizza Pizza.
Tickets for SummerSlam will go on sale on Saturday June 5 at 10:00 am at the Air Canada Centre Box Office, http://www.ticketmaster.ca or Charge By Phone at 416-870-8000 or 416-872-5000 (Long distance charges may apply.) Ticket prices are $400, $95, $75, $55, $35.
Subscribers to the Bell Mobility WWE package will have the opportunity to purchase tickets during a 2 day pre-sale period from 10:00 am on Thursday June 3 until midnight on Friday June 4. This presale will be made available via Internet at http://www.ticketmaster.com, and phone only.
SummerSlam Travel Packages consisting of ringside or lower-tier tickets plus hotel accommodations are now available for purchase. For more information, send an e-mail to travel.packages@wwe.com.
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE) is an integrated media and entertainment company headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto and London. Additional information on the company can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com. Information on television ratings and community activities can be found at parents.wwe.com.
Trademarks: The names of all World Wrestling Entertainment televised and live programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans and wrestling moves and all World Wrestling Entertainment logos are trademarks which are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, company names, and logos cited herein are the property of their respective owners.
Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbour provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated.