23.05.2005, 09:02
NWA Anarchy
Cornelia, Georgia
140 Besucher
Billy Buck beat Brent Silver
Jeff Lewis (with Al Getz) beat Brandon P
Mikal Adryan beat Billy Miller
Slim J beat Todd Sexton
“Precious” Patrick Bentley beat Andrew Alexander
Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay with Bentley gewannen ein Gaunlet und wurden erste NWA Anarchy Tag Champs
NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Championchip
Rainman beat Murder One
Cornelia, Georgia
140 Besucher
Billy Buck beat Brent Silver
Jeff Lewis (with Al Getz) beat Brandon P
Mikal Adryan beat Billy Miller
Slim J beat Todd Sexton
“Precious” Patrick Bentley beat Andrew Alexander
Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay with Bentley gewannen ein Gaunlet und wurden erste NWA Anarchy Tag Champs
NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Championchip
Rainman beat Murder One