23.12.2017, 22:15
Der ehemalige WWE Writer und Hollywood Schauspieler Freddie Prinze Jr. hat in einem Interview sich darueber geauessert warum Vince McMahon groessere Wrestler bevorzugt:
“I want you to believe in the indy guys and the guys coming from NXT, but just remember only certain guys get to hold the title. Oh, you’ve got to be the right type. The small guys, their story is climbing the mountain. It’s not reaching the mountaintop. They’re Sisyphus. They roll the boulder up only to have it thrown all the way back down. Shawn Michaels was a rare exception because his body would not break. Rey Mysterio is an exception that proves the rule. He’s not an exception to the rule. He got hurt. The demands of a champion, Daniel Bryan, is another great example of what they have to do to their body 325 days a year without good sleeping conditions, without great physical therapy, without the means to rest between matches because you’re just on another plane in coach flying somewhere. It is gruelling and destructive and that’s why Vince wants to keep the belt on bigger guys because historically they’ve been able to last longer and remain healthier.”
Das der Wrestler zuverlaessig ist/sich nicht verletzt ist fuer ein Promoter natuerlich enorm wichtig. Allerdings kann den work schedule ein 200 Pounds Wrestler genauso bewaeltigen wie ein 250 Pounds Wrestler. [lexicon]Bret Hart[/lexicon] ist ein gutes Beispiel etwa, Ric Flair auch. Vince mochte jedoch immer die Steroid Guys, das war sein fetish. Er gruendete sogar eine Bodybuilding Federation, war selbst auf Steroide. Das hatte nichts damit zu tun, dass er den Steroid Guys den work schedule besser zutraut. Vielleicht haelt er es auch fuer erfolgreicher.
“I want you to believe in the indy guys and the guys coming from NXT, but just remember only certain guys get to hold the title. Oh, you’ve got to be the right type. The small guys, their story is climbing the mountain. It’s not reaching the mountaintop. They’re Sisyphus. They roll the boulder up only to have it thrown all the way back down. Shawn Michaels was a rare exception because his body would not break. Rey Mysterio is an exception that proves the rule. He’s not an exception to the rule. He got hurt. The demands of a champion, Daniel Bryan, is another great example of what they have to do to their body 325 days a year without good sleeping conditions, without great physical therapy, without the means to rest between matches because you’re just on another plane in coach flying somewhere. It is gruelling and destructive and that’s why Vince wants to keep the belt on bigger guys because historically they’ve been able to last longer and remain healthier.”
Das der Wrestler zuverlaessig ist/sich nicht verletzt ist fuer ein Promoter natuerlich enorm wichtig. Allerdings kann den work schedule ein 200 Pounds Wrestler genauso bewaeltigen wie ein 250 Pounds Wrestler. [lexicon]Bret Hart[/lexicon] ist ein gutes Beispiel etwa, Ric Flair auch. Vince mochte jedoch immer die Steroid Guys, das war sein fetish. Er gruendete sogar eine Bodybuilding Federation, war selbst auf Steroide. Das hatte nichts damit zu tun, dass er den Steroid Guys den work schedule besser zutraut. Vielleicht haelt er es auch fuer erfolgreicher.