19.09.2007, 08:23
Im Maerz 2000 gab Scott Steiner ein Interview indem er ueber den Niedergang der WCW sprach. Die Schuld gibt er den ganzen alten Saecken die es damals in der WCW gab, wie Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair etc. Das die jungen Talente nicht die Chance bekamen, etc, ihr kennt das ja alles schon. Auf jedenfall hier ein Auszug aus dem Interview.
Sechs Fragen haette ich aber noch an Scott.....
1. Denkt Scott Steiner das er mit 45 Jahren jetzt ein junges Talent ist?
2. Denkt Scott Steiner das er und Kevin Nash nicht genauso mieserabel in Form sind seit Jahren, wie damals schon Ric Flair und Hulk Hogan bei der WCW?
3. Wenn Scott Steiner einen Scheiss darauf gibt wenn man 1,9 Punkte als Rating hat, was denkt Scott Steiner ueber die TNA Rating`s von 1,0-1,2 Punkte?
4. Haelt es Scott Steiner auch fuer beschaehmend das TNA nichtmal 1200 Fans drawt?
5. Ist Scott Steiner nicht wieder mit seinem Bruder Rick Steiner, als die Steiner Brothers aktiv? Hatten sie nicht alles schon bewiessen?
6. Und wenn Hulkamania Tod ist, was haelt Scott Steiner dann davon das die Tode Hulkamania in den letzten 5 Jahren mehr Geld umsetzte alleine mit der Hulk DVD, als Scott Steiner in seiner ganzen Karriere nicht einer Promotion brachte?
Zitat:Scott Steiner:”It all depends. I think everybody has heard why I was suspended, because I did an interview on Ric Flair, and I didn't say anything that wasn't true, but since this company is run by a bunch of old men, his friends, they tried to give me the heaviest fine in the history of wrestling. Of course, that didn't hold up in a court of law cause it's a bunch of bull****. It just shows you that this company is run by the good ol' boy redneck from [lexicon]Charlotte[/lexicon], North Carolina. Everything I said was true. It all makes our company look more bush league that it already does. Nobody f*ckin watches our show anymore because it sucks so bad. I can't even watch it. So for me to go out there and say that Ric Flair is 50 years old and still "the man"... people turn the channel to the WWF, it was true. They draw a 1.9 rating on Monday and a 1.8 rating on Wednesday. I don't give a **** if my friends are drawing a 1.9 or 1.8, the writing is on the wall. I'm smarter to say that just because you're my friend, I'm going to put you on TV. I mean, the guy looks like **** , man. Everything I said about him - he has more loose skin than a shar-pei puppy - it's f*ckin' true, man. Look at him. It's embarrassing. He's embarrassing himself, and he's embarrassing WCW. I mean, we're trying to market towards young people so kids buy the toys, etc., then people see a 50 year old man on TV, all they're going to do is change the channel and go watch [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon], DX, or watch something that's cool. What the f*ck, you think a 50 year old man is cool? I don't care how many times he says "whooo." **** , they only drew 1200 people in [lexicon]Charlotte[/lexicon], North Carolina for a Nitro. I mean that's embarrassing. Thank God I wasn't involved in that, thank God I was sitting at home, pickin up my paycheck still. They can kiss my ass. Let them try to fine me again. They can't f*cking fine me.”
Interviewer:”If you were to make changes in WCW, if you were in charge and not Ric Flair, what would they be?”
Scott Steiner:”I'd get rid of all the old guys, and push the talent that has waited to get the push. The things they are doing, it's back in the 1980s. It's just bad, man. Flair doesn't even deserve to be on the show. You've got to get rid of all the old guys. Like what Vince did, they started pushing guys. Nobody knew who [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon] was 2 years ago. He made [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon]. Now [lexicon]The Rock[/lexicon] just did Saturday Night Live. You've got to start with the young talent, talent people can relate to. Who are we trying to relate to if we've got a 50 year old man out there? Are we trying to relate, so a 50 year people and above will go out and buy a f*cking little toy? That ain't gonna happen. It's a f*cking joke.”
Interview:”Would you go as far to say that Hulkamania is dead?”
Scott Steiner:”Hulkamania is dead.”
Interviewer:”Does Hulk Hogan know that?”
Scott Steiner: (lacht) “Does Flair know he's dead? No. You tell me, who in the history of life, has ever beaten Father Time. Nobody that I know of. F*ck, you've got to deal with reality. And we're not dealing in reality. It's obvious. We just **** the people off so bad, that's why the ratings are bad. You can't bull**** the people and expect them to tune in and watch something that's dead, stale. It's bad. I can't even watch the show.”
Interviewer:”Do you see the tag team reformation of the Steiner Brothers?”
Scott Steiner:”******* No. We've proved everything that we have to prove. We won the titles in WCW, the WWF, Japan, we've beaten everybody that there was to beat when we were together. Who are we gonna beat now? The Mamalukes? Who the F*ck are the Mamalukes? How fast do you think we could beat those guys?”
Sechs Fragen haette ich aber noch an Scott.....
1. Denkt Scott Steiner das er mit 45 Jahren jetzt ein junges Talent ist?
2. Denkt Scott Steiner das er und Kevin Nash nicht genauso mieserabel in Form sind seit Jahren, wie damals schon Ric Flair und Hulk Hogan bei der WCW?
3. Wenn Scott Steiner einen Scheiss darauf gibt wenn man 1,9 Punkte als Rating hat, was denkt Scott Steiner ueber die TNA Rating`s von 1,0-1,2 Punkte?
4. Haelt es Scott Steiner auch fuer beschaehmend das TNA nichtmal 1200 Fans drawt?
5. Ist Scott Steiner nicht wieder mit seinem Bruder Rick Steiner, als die Steiner Brothers aktiv? Hatten sie nicht alles schon bewiessen?
6. Und wenn Hulkamania Tod ist, was haelt Scott Steiner dann davon das die Tode Hulkamania in den letzten 5 Jahren mehr Geld umsetzte alleine mit der Hulk DVD, als Scott Steiner in seiner ganzen Karriere nicht einer Promotion brachte?