08.07.2005, 10:48
[Bild: http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling...wologo.jpg]
Heute vor genau 9 Jahren wurde die New World Order beim Bash at the Beach 1996 gegruendet. Der“takeover“ begann bei einer Nitro Show am 27 May 1996 als Scott Hall sein WCW Comeback gab und in einem Match eingriff. Eine Woche spaeter kam Kevin Nash dazu. In den folgenden Wochen attackierten sie etliche Leute, darunter Eric Bischoff beim Great American Bash PPV. Die WCW forderte dann die beiden “Outsiders“ heraus zu einem Six Man Tag Team Match beim Bash at the Beach. Die WCW suchte sich fuer das Match Sting, [lexicon]Lex Luger[/lexicon] und Randy Savage heraus. Hall und Nash aktzeptierten die herausforderung, verwiessen jedoch darauf das ihr dritter Partner erst spaeter bekannt gegeben wird.
Beim Bash at the Beach dann, erzaehlten Nash und Hall das sie ihn wieder nicht bekannt geben werden und zu zweit gegen die drei “WCWler“ antretten werden. [lexicon]Lex Luger[/lexicon] wurde dann kurz nach Matchbeginn ausgeknockt und Backstage getragen, da ohnehin Luger als einer der Kandidaten galt der der dritte Mann bei der NWO sein koennte, verstaerckte sich dieser verdacht dadurch. Am ende des matches als Nash und Hall wie schon die sicheren Sieger aussahen kam Hulk Hogan zum Ring, die Fans jubelten, die Outsiders stiegen aus dem Ring, doch dann gab es den Legdrop fuer Savage, und es stellte sich heraus das Hulk Hogan der dritte Mann gewessen ist. Es war fuer Hulk Hogan der erste Heelrun seit 1979.
Nachdem Match folgte dann folgendes Interview zwischen Mean Gene und Hulk Hogan:
-Gene Okerlund: Hulk Hogan, what in the world are you thinking?
Hulk Hogan: Mean Gene Okerlund, the first thing that you need to do is to tell these people to shut if you wanna hear what I gotta say.
-Gene Okerlund: I have beeen with you for so many years... for you to join up with the likes of these two men absolutely makes me sick to my stomache and I think that these people here and a lot of other people around the world, have had just about enough of this man, this man, (pointing to Nash and Hall) and you want to put yourself in this group? You've got to be ... kidding me!
Hulk Hogan: Well, the first thing you've got to realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling (points to Nash and Hall). You can call this the New World Order of Wrestling, brother.
-Gene Okerlund: "You have made the wrong decision, in my opinion!"
Hulk Hogan: Let me tell you something! when it all came to pass, the name Hulk Hogan, the man Hulk Hogan, got bigger than the whole sport! And then Billionaire Ted, Amigo, ... he wanted to "talk turkey" with Hulk Hogan. Billionaire Ted promised me movies, brother, ... Billionaire Ted promised me millions of dollars, brother, ... and Billionaire Ted promised me world calibre matches. As far as Billionaire Ted, Eric Bischoff, and the whole WCW goes, I'm bored brother! That's why these two guys here, the so-called Outsiders, ... these are the men I want as my friends. They're the new blood of professional wrestling, brother, and not only are we going to take over the whole wrestling business, with Hulk Hogan and the new blood, the monster with me, we will destroy everything in our path, Mean Gene Okerlund!
-Gene Okerlund: Look at all this crap in the ring! This is what's in the future for you if you want to hang around with the likes of this man, Hall, and this man, Nash.
Hulk Hogan: As far as I'm concerned, all this crap in the ring represents the fans out here. For two years, brother, for two years, I held my head high ... I did everything for the kids ... the reception I got when I came out here ... you fans can stick it, brother, because if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, you people wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff would still be selling meat from a truck in Minneapolis and if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, all these Johnny-Come-Lately's that you see out here wrestling, wouldn't be here. I was selling out the world, brother, while you were stealing gas to put in the car to get to high school, so the way that it is now, brother, with Hulk Hogan and the New World Organization of Wrestling, brother, me and the new blood by my side ... whatcha gonna do when the New World Organization runs wild on you? Whatcha gonna do????? (He grabs Gene Okerlund)
-Gene Okerlund: Hey ... don't touch me!!!! I'm gonna call my lawyer ... Tony, Bobby, Dusty, ... dammit ... let's get back to you!
TONY: All right ... we have seen the end of Hulkamania!!!!! For Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Dusty Rhodes, Gene Okerlund Okerlund, ... I don't know ... I'm Tony Schiavone, and, Hulk Hogan, ... YOU CAN GO TO HELL!!!!!!! STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!
[Bild: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pic...nwo/32.jpg]
Heute vor genau 9 Jahren wurde die New World Order beim Bash at the Beach 1996 gegruendet. Der“takeover“ begann bei einer Nitro Show am 27 May 1996 als Scott Hall sein WCW Comeback gab und in einem Match eingriff. Eine Woche spaeter kam Kevin Nash dazu. In den folgenden Wochen attackierten sie etliche Leute, darunter Eric Bischoff beim Great American Bash PPV. Die WCW forderte dann die beiden “Outsiders“ heraus zu einem Six Man Tag Team Match beim Bash at the Beach. Die WCW suchte sich fuer das Match Sting, [lexicon]Lex Luger[/lexicon] und Randy Savage heraus. Hall und Nash aktzeptierten die herausforderung, verwiessen jedoch darauf das ihr dritter Partner erst spaeter bekannt gegeben wird.
Beim Bash at the Beach dann, erzaehlten Nash und Hall das sie ihn wieder nicht bekannt geben werden und zu zweit gegen die drei “WCWler“ antretten werden. [lexicon]Lex Luger[/lexicon] wurde dann kurz nach Matchbeginn ausgeknockt und Backstage getragen, da ohnehin Luger als einer der Kandidaten galt der der dritte Mann bei der NWO sein koennte, verstaerckte sich dieser verdacht dadurch. Am ende des matches als Nash und Hall wie schon die sicheren Sieger aussahen kam Hulk Hogan zum Ring, die Fans jubelten, die Outsiders stiegen aus dem Ring, doch dann gab es den Legdrop fuer Savage, und es stellte sich heraus das Hulk Hogan der dritte Mann gewessen ist. Es war fuer Hulk Hogan der erste Heelrun seit 1979.
Nachdem Match folgte dann folgendes Interview zwischen Mean Gene und Hulk Hogan:
-Gene Okerlund: Hulk Hogan, what in the world are you thinking?
Hulk Hogan: Mean Gene Okerlund, the first thing that you need to do is to tell these people to shut if you wanna hear what I gotta say.
-Gene Okerlund: I have beeen with you for so many years... for you to join up with the likes of these two men absolutely makes me sick to my stomache and I think that these people here and a lot of other people around the world, have had just about enough of this man, this man, (pointing to Nash and Hall) and you want to put yourself in this group? You've got to be ... kidding me!
Hulk Hogan: Well, the first thing you've got to realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling (points to Nash and Hall). You can call this the New World Order of Wrestling, brother.
-Gene Okerlund: "You have made the wrong decision, in my opinion!"
Hulk Hogan: Let me tell you something! when it all came to pass, the name Hulk Hogan, the man Hulk Hogan, got bigger than the whole sport! And then Billionaire Ted, Amigo, ... he wanted to "talk turkey" with Hulk Hogan. Billionaire Ted promised me movies, brother, ... Billionaire Ted promised me millions of dollars, brother, ... and Billionaire Ted promised me world calibre matches. As far as Billionaire Ted, Eric Bischoff, and the whole WCW goes, I'm bored brother! That's why these two guys here, the so-called Outsiders, ... these are the men I want as my friends. They're the new blood of professional wrestling, brother, and not only are we going to take over the whole wrestling business, with Hulk Hogan and the new blood, the monster with me, we will destroy everything in our path, Mean Gene Okerlund!
-Gene Okerlund: Look at all this crap in the ring! This is what's in the future for you if you want to hang around with the likes of this man, Hall, and this man, Nash.
Hulk Hogan: As far as I'm concerned, all this crap in the ring represents the fans out here. For two years, brother, for two years, I held my head high ... I did everything for the kids ... the reception I got when I came out here ... you fans can stick it, brother, because if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, you people wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff would still be selling meat from a truck in Minneapolis and if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, all these Johnny-Come-Lately's that you see out here wrestling, wouldn't be here. I was selling out the world, brother, while you were stealing gas to put in the car to get to high school, so the way that it is now, brother, with Hulk Hogan and the New World Organization of Wrestling, brother, me and the new blood by my side ... whatcha gonna do when the New World Organization runs wild on you? Whatcha gonna do????? (He grabs Gene Okerlund)
-Gene Okerlund: Hey ... don't touch me!!!! I'm gonna call my lawyer ... Tony, Bobby, Dusty, ... dammit ... let's get back to you!
TONY: All right ... we have seen the end of Hulkamania!!!!! For Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Dusty Rhodes, Gene Okerlund Okerlund, ... I don't know ... I'm Tony Schiavone, and, Hulk Hogan, ... YOU CAN GO TO HELL!!!!!!! STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!
[Bild: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pic...nwo/32.jpg]