02.09.2007, 08:43
Ich habe vor kurzem ein Interview mit Jim Cornette gesehen, indem er darueber sprach das man nicht jeden Wrestler mit einem Gimmick oder Storyline in die WWE bringen muss. WWE bringt normalerweisse jeden neuen OVWler mit einem Gimmick/Storyline zur WWE, das ist dann eine “Hit & Miss“ Sache, manchmal funktioniert es, manchmal nicht, und wenn es nicht funktioniert, dann wird der Wrestler bald wieder zurueck geschickt zur OVW. Hier die Aussage von Cornette:
Zitat:“Everybody doesn't need to be brought in with a storyline and a background. You don't have to say that so and so knew so and so and had sex with his dead wifes corpse and stole his car and stole the dog that ate the cate that ate the rat...
Just have the guy come out and say his name is John Smith and he wrestled in college here and then let him wrestle. Let his work get over and let the fans start getting use to seeing him and let them get to know him. Then when they start cheering when he comes out then you go from there but you have a base that is base on him and his work and not the 'Storyline'.
WWE seems to want to put a stupid gimmick on everybody. If the gimmick or storyline sucks then the guy is dead. Or they have to sit him down for a while and recycle him a year of so later. How bout letting the guy get over for who he is and what he does first.”