05.09.2007, 08:28
Das Apter Mag “Victory Sports Series Wrestling“ brachte 1980 eine Annual Ausgabe heraus, genauer gesagt im Fruehling 1980. In einem Artikel listet Bill Apter und einige andere die 10 “Dirtiest Matches Ever“ auf, ohne bestimmte Reihenfolge. Folgend die 10 Matches, und die jeweilige Beschreibung warum das Match aufgelistet wurde:
-Ray Stevens vs Bill Miller - San Francisco, California, April 1969
(Stevens' "Bombs Away" sends Miller for a stretcher ride.)
-Buddy Rogers vs Killer Kowalski - Montreal, Quebec, November 1962
(Kowalski bloodies Rogers, who responds by battering Kowalski into unconciousness with a chair.)
-Bobby Duncum vs Bob Armstrong - Atlanta, Georgia, May 1973
(Armstrong leaves Duncum a bloody mess courtesy of the ring pole and a foreign object.)
-Abdullah [lexicon]the Butcher[/lexicon] vs Tor Kamata - Edmonton, Alberta, January 1974
(Abdullah manages almost no offense as Kamata gives Abby a does of his own medicine [note: this match was also once the subject of an article with one of my favorite Apter headlines ever - "The Night Abdullah [lexicon]the Butcher[/lexicon] Got Butchered!"])
-The Sheik vs Freddie Blassie - Los Angeles, California, April 1969
(Blassie's teeth and the Sheik's pencil, as expected. Sheik gets the better of Blassie in this one.)
-The Destoyer vs Rikidozan - Tokyo, Japan, May 1963
(Destroyer bloodies Rikidozan, then finishes him off with a figure-four that he won't release until the officials "pry him off".)
-Johnny Valentine vs Eddie Graham - Tampa, Florida, December 1968
(Valentine takes the early advantage, but Graham comes back to batter Valentine's left eye, which in the accompanying photos looks rather gruesomely swollen and cut. Apter refers to Valentine being rushed to the hospital "where they'll attempt to save his eye.")
-Killer Kowalski vs Cowboy Frankie Laine - Los Angeles, California, April 1972
(Laine outwrestles Kowalski, who grabs a metal bar and pounds it repeatedly into Laine's skull, leaving him unconcious and bloody.)
-Cowboy Bob Ellis vs Chris Colt - Omaha, Nebraska, August 1972
(Colt uses a wrench, Ellis has a hammer, both will need to visit the doctor...)
-Terry Funk vs. Pak Song - Amarillo, Texas, September 1970
(Russian Chain Match - I know, I know, neither of them are Russian - Funk wins, but Song attacks Funk with the chain afterwards, leaving Funk and "three other wrestlers" who tried to come to Funk's aid unconcious.)
-Ray Stevens vs Bill Miller - San Francisco, California, April 1969
(Stevens' "Bombs Away" sends Miller for a stretcher ride.)
-Buddy Rogers vs Killer Kowalski - Montreal, Quebec, November 1962
(Kowalski bloodies Rogers, who responds by battering Kowalski into unconciousness with a chair.)
-Bobby Duncum vs Bob Armstrong - Atlanta, Georgia, May 1973
(Armstrong leaves Duncum a bloody mess courtesy of the ring pole and a foreign object.)
-Abdullah [lexicon]the Butcher[/lexicon] vs Tor Kamata - Edmonton, Alberta, January 1974
(Abdullah manages almost no offense as Kamata gives Abby a does of his own medicine [note: this match was also once the subject of an article with one of my favorite Apter headlines ever - "The Night Abdullah [lexicon]the Butcher[/lexicon] Got Butchered!"])
-The Sheik vs Freddie Blassie - Los Angeles, California, April 1969
(Blassie's teeth and the Sheik's pencil, as expected. Sheik gets the better of Blassie in this one.)
-The Destoyer vs Rikidozan - Tokyo, Japan, May 1963
(Destroyer bloodies Rikidozan, then finishes him off with a figure-four that he won't release until the officials "pry him off".)
-Johnny Valentine vs Eddie Graham - Tampa, Florida, December 1968
(Valentine takes the early advantage, but Graham comes back to batter Valentine's left eye, which in the accompanying photos looks rather gruesomely swollen and cut. Apter refers to Valentine being rushed to the hospital "where they'll attempt to save his eye.")
-Killer Kowalski vs Cowboy Frankie Laine - Los Angeles, California, April 1972
(Laine outwrestles Kowalski, who grabs a metal bar and pounds it repeatedly into Laine's skull, leaving him unconcious and bloody.)
-Cowboy Bob Ellis vs Chris Colt - Omaha, Nebraska, August 1972
(Colt uses a wrench, Ellis has a hammer, both will need to visit the doctor...)
-Terry Funk vs. Pak Song - Amarillo, Texas, September 1970
(Russian Chain Match - I know, I know, neither of them are Russian - Funk wins, but Song attacks Funk with the chain afterwards, leaving Funk and "three other wrestlers" who tried to come to Funk's aid unconcious.)