27.09.2007, 16:19
Der ehemalige WWE Wrestler Gangrel aka David Heath aka The Vampire Warrior hat nun eine neuen Job gefunden, naemlich als Porno Director. Gangrel unterschrieb bei der “New Porno Order“ kurz NPO einen Vertrag ueber 12 Filme. Der erste Film davon wird im November erscheinen und heisst, Miami Rump Shakerz 2.
Gangrel meinte dazu:“I am thrilled to be joining the New Porn Order and taking this step into a
new level of my career. Directing offers a new challenge that I am very excited to be taking on. I look forward to the many great films that will come from this union.”
Gangrel meinte dazu:“I am thrilled to be joining the New Porn Order and taking this step into a
new level of my career. Directing offers a new challenge that I am very excited to be taking on. I look forward to the many great films that will come from this union.”