07.11.2007, 09:07
Am 27 Februar 2001 wurde Stacy Carter (The Kat), die dritte Frau von Jerry Lawler von der WWF entlassen. Jerry Lawler kuendigte daraufhin sofort ebenfalls bei der WWF, aber am Samstag den 3 Maerz 2001 schickte Jerry Lawler per Fax einen Brief an Vince McMahon. Indem Brief bettelt praktisch Lawler das er und Stacy ihre Jobs zurueck bekommen. Lawler bekam den Job im November 2001 zurueck, und er und Stacy trennten sich im July 2001. Lawler gab denn Brief auf seiner Website bekannt, jedoch loeschte er ihn einige Tage spaeter wieder. Aber Mr savety hat dieses Stueck Geschichte gespeichert , und hier ist es:
Zitat:Dear Vince,
Now that a few days have past since the events that happened last Tuesday, I've had the time to reflect on the things that have happened. I wanted to convey to you my feelings. First and foremost, I wish last Tuesday never happened. Both Stacy and I would like things to be like they were before Tuesday. Neither Stacy or I have any desire to work anywhere other than the World Wrestling Federation. That being said, both of us would like to come back. I've racked my brain and tried to find out what exactly caused Stacy's release and if it's something as simple as her attitude, please understand that it can change. She's willing to apologize anyone she's given a problem to or an apology to the entire staff of the WWF and ensure to everybody, she will be easy to work with. I feel personally responsible for her actions. From the first day I met her when she was 19 yrs old until now, I have been the one to shape and mold her into what she is today. So her actions are a reflection of me.
She really feels bad about the situation and is blaming herself and I know that I'm as much to blame as she. So if the reason for Stacy's release is something OTHER than her attitude, then we would be willing to fix any problem that may exist. The only possible conflict I could think of is between Stacy and Chyna. At one time, they were very close. But when HHH and Chyna had problems, it seemed Stacy had problems with her as well. All this led to Chyna asking for the Kat to be taken out of all her storylines. Stacy would do anything to have her job back.
It also occurs to me that Stacy wasn't the problem at all. The real reason might have been to release Stacy so I didn't have to be fired. I thought NBC might have been upset about my XFL commentary and put pressure on you to get rid of me. If that's the case, I can understand and accept that decision, but I wish it wouldn't cost Stacy her job as well. If you think it was time to bring in a new announcer, I can accept that decision as well. Vince, I have been in the WWF since 1993. I've seen people with worse attitudes get second and third chances. I do not want to work anywhere else because you and the WWF are like family to me. So I'm asking, is there anyway this can be fixed? Can Stacy and I come back in any form? Work more, less? We are willing to make this into an [lexicon]angle[/lexicon], business wise, whatever.
You can reach me at my home number or cell number.
Thank you Vince, I'll always be your friend and respect any decision you
Yours very truly,
Jerry Lawler