Folgend das NWA Rulebook von der NWA aus dem Jahr 1939,ich denke mal es ist sehr interessant.Es handelt sich hierbei um das Rulebook aus dem Jahre 1903 bis 1948
These rules have not been drafted to interfere in any way with the various state wrestling laws but rather to clarify the situation and give the various Commissions a clear, concise and workable set of rules, emphasizing honest wrestling, sportsmanship and ability.
However, these rules as officially adopted by the National Wrestling Association are to be adhered to in their entirety when not in conflict with state law. When conflict does exist, these rules shall be construed to be applicable to all wrestling except the specific provisions contravened by the state regulations in question.
Flyweight 112 lbs.
Bantamweight 118 lbs.
Featherweight 126 lbs.
Lightweight 135 lbs.
Welterweight 147 lbs.
Middleweight 160 lbs.
Light heavyweight 175 lbs.
Heavyweight All Over.
The following limitations of weights are put on all wrestling bouts:
Between Flyweights (112 lbs.) 6 lbs.
Between Bantamweights (118 lbs.) 8 lbs.
Between Featherweights (126 lbs.) 9 lbs.
Between Lightweights (135 lbs.) 12 lbs.
Between Welterweights (147 lbs.) 13 lbs.
Between Middleweights (160 lbs.) 15 lbs.
Heavyweights - All over 175 lbs. - No limitation.
For example, a flyweight weighing 110 lbs. could not wrestle an opponent weighing over 116 lbs. If he weighs 112 lbs. his opponent could not exceed 118 lbs., etc.
The contestants in all contests and exhibitions shall weigh-in stripped no later than 2 o'clock of the day of the match in the presence of a representative of the Commission, club representative and the Commission physician, who will make physical examination of the contestants at that tine. In case the contest is held in the afternoon, the contestants shall weigh-in no later than 9 A.M. and the weights shall be announced from the ringside. This rule must be observed regardless of private agreement concerning the match.
The ring must be not less then 16 by 16 and not more than 20 by 20 feet square; to be built on a smooth platform.
The mats shall be not less than 1½" thick end must he stuffed with hair, felt or cotton and shall extend beyond the ropes not less than 1".
The ropes shall be three in number and not less than 1" in diameter, tightly stretched and not more than 2', 3' and 4' above mat. The ropes shall be extended out from the supporting posts not less than 1' and shall be wrapped in soft material.
It shall also be permissible to use 2 vertical ropes on each side of the ring, said ropes to be spliced to the horizontal ropes equal distances apart for the purpose of preventing the contestants from going through the ropes during the contest.
Over the mat proper, a cover of double faced canvas or flannel, soft side up, well tacked or laced with the rope to the edge of the ring floor. Such covers must be laundered after each using and must be free and clean of any sort of grit, dirt or resin.
In order to prevent delays and annoyance to spectators resulting from disputes arising between contestants and between contestants and clubs after bouts have begun, it is required that all contracts between an organization and persons agreeing to be contestants shall be in writing and signed by the parties thereto or their authorized agents, and filed with the Commission at least five days before the bout, before any sanction for such a bout will be issued by the Commission. In case any such contract shall provide for the payment by the organization to any contestant of any stipulated sum or guaranteed amount, a certified check, or deposit, or draft of said amount payable to bearer, shall be deposited with the Commission at the time of signing contract.
In case any such contract shall provide for any such guarantee by any contestant, or some person authorized on his behalf, shall deposit with the Commission at the time of making the contract, a certified check, certificate of deposit or accepted draft, payable to bearer, for the amount of any forfeit agreed in said contract to be posted by such contestant to secure his appearance, his making the agreed weight, if any, and the good faith performances by him of said contract on his part, the amount of said forfeit to be in no case less than twenty-five percent of the amount of the guarantee. In case any contract shall provide for compensation to the contestant on a percentage basis of the receipts only, such forfeit shall nevertheless be so deposited by the contestant in each instance, and the amount thereof shall be fixed by the Commission and named in the sanction issued by the Commission for such bout. If the contestant, by or on whose behalf such check, certificate of deposit or draft will be deposited with the Commission, shall duly appear and in good faith perform all the terms and conditions of said contract, except as he may be prevented from doing by default of the organization or of his agreed opponent, then said cluck, certificate of deposit or draft will be delivered by the Commission personally, or by registered mail, to the person by whom the same was deposited with the Commission promptly after the close of the bout. If the organization, by written notice first serviced on the Commission, shall claim said deposit as forfeited by such contestant, such deposit will be held by the Commission until the parties can be heard and their rights in the matter be determined by the Commission, unless the parties, or either of them, shall appeal to a court of law, in which case the Commission will deliver such check, certificate of deposit, or draft in court, or such action to be awarded by the court to party entitled thereto.
Every such check, certificate of deposit, or draft, so deposited with the Commission by any organization as a guarantee, or by or on the behalf of any contestant us a forfeit, the delivery of which shall be contested before the Commission, will, be held by the Commission a reasonable time, not less than ten days after service, on the parties interest, of notice of the Commission's ruling or order for delivery of such deposit to enable any party dissatisfied with such ruling or order to institute such legal proceedings us he or it may be advised for the possession of such deposit. Unless notice of such legal proceedings is served on the Commission within the time named in the order, such deposit will be delivered by the Commission as provided in its said ruling or order.
The promoter shall cause to be filed with the Commission an affidavit of agreement properly sworn to and signed by the managers and contestants, together with the promoter, club or association, releasing the Commission from all liability for payment of any such contest where the payment of the contestants shall he on a percentage basis. This requirement shall apply only to cases where in the total guarantee posted with the Commission shall not be sufficient to cover the payment of the purses and ring expense to all contestants and officials.
Any contestant making a contract with an organization and failing to deposit his forfeit money at the time of making contract will, be liable to suspension for such time as the Commission may determine.
If for any reason a bout is stopped or declared no contest for an infraction of the rules of the Commission, or for violation of the provisions, the Commission shall hold all forfeit money and purses of such bout, pending a hearing of the facts, and a decision of the Commission thereon.
All organizations and contestants must enter into written contracts, which contracts shall be executed in triplicate, one of which shall be filed with the Commission. Contract blanks, which must be used for all bouts, will be furnished by the Commission.
Any organization which shall, without sufficient reason, violate or break any contract entered into with the contestant, or contestants, may have its license cancelled or suspended.
Contestants must not willingly violate or break contracts properly consummated between the contestants and organization, and by so doing are liable to temporary or permanent suspension.
Any contestant, or manager for contestant, who has entered into a contract with any organization to participate in a bout, who shall find that for any reason or cause he will not be able to fully carry out his contract, and does not notify the organization and Commission of his incapability to do so, and the reason or cause therefor, may be penalized by the Commission by suspension for a period of not less than sixty days nor more than six months.
There shall be prominently displayed in at least four places in every hail or auditorium of any person, club, corporation or association acting under these rules, the following notice: "NO BETTING ALLOWED" All those holding licenses and permits issued by the Commission will strictly enforce compliance with such notice.
"NO SMOKING ALLOWED" Failure to enforce this regulation will result in the revocation of the license and permit.
Minors under eighteen years of age will not be admitted to any bout or exhibition unless accompanied by parents and guardians.
All individuals, clubs or organizations promoting exhibitions shall furnish a reasonable number of fireman for the enforcement of the "No Smoking" sign, together with adequate policy for protection of the public and shall be responsible therefor.
Every applicant for permission to wrestle must furnish positive proof that he is the person represented and give a true record of all matches engaged in by him, including wins, draws and losses, for at least two years past in which he participates actively in the sport.
If for any reason the Commission be in doubt as to the contestant's physical condition and fitness to cope with a proposed opponent, said Commission may at its option order a private try-out with a proposed opponent such as it may appoint for the task, and also to determine the length of the try-out.
Contestants in all matches must be properly trained and in fit physical condition to wrestle at their best. The Commission and attending physician are to be the sole judges of such condition. If not physically fit and not trained properly the Commission shall refuse to sanction such a bout as he proposes to participate in.
Every wrestler holding a championship will be required to defend his title at least once every twelve months in the heavyweight division and once every eight months in all other divisions, providing a suitable purse can be found and a logical contender for the title appears. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate suspension of the offender unless for some valid reason satisfactory to the Commission a championship match cannot be consummated. If under these conditions the Commission deems it advisable an extension of time may be granted.