16.02.2021, 14:28
möchte keinen eigenen Thread aufmachen. Deshalb hier ein weiterer Beleg, dass unsere einstmals freiheitliche westliche Welt ins Autoritäre abgleitet. Vince mal wieder dabei:
sportskeeda,'https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/news-wwe-restricting-talents-social-media-posts-issuing-violations-naming-third-parties schrieb:Back in September, WWE came under fire from both its Superstars and the WWE Universe. The company announced that it would be restricting the use of third-party applications such as Twitch and Cameo.
Unfortunately, despite the outrage it caused online, the company went through with it regardless. An official ban was subsequently put in place at the end of October.
Vince McMahon and WWE then proved they were serious about the ban. WWE released Zelina Vega (Thea Trinidad) from her contract for her refusal to give up her Twitch account. Today it has been learned that WWE is taking things even further than before.
Raj Giri of Wrestling Inc. reports that WWE is now issuing violations to talent for social media posts that naming "any third-party business, person, brand, or charity."
Wrestling Inc. reports that violations of these rules will start with a warning, but could progress to a fine and even turn into a suspension. The company claims a clause in WWE talent's contracts grants it "exclusive use of their likeness."